The leading providers of DO-178C training, consultancy and testing solutions invite you to join a hands-on DO-178C training event in Bristol this November!
In our two-day workshop, you’ll learn the hidden challenges of the DO-178C lifecycle, best testing practices and how to apply them.
What will you learn?
- In fast-paced sessions, you'll learn about DO-178C's intent, processes, and industry best DO-178C practices.
- In hands-on workshops, you'll learn how to deal with hidden but costly DO-178C challenges.
- Engineers & Managers will take away practical methods that they can apply in their projects immediately.
- Testers and Engineers will understand major technical cost drivers and how to avoid them.
Day 1 Day 2 Applying Optimized DO-178C Compliance Practices Understand and Fine-tune DO-178C Engineering Challenges 1. Understanding ARP-4754A & ARP-4761 challenges and relationship to DO-178C. Workshop: Requirements Best Practices. 2. Optimized DO-178C process implementation and cost-effective planning. Applying efficient review processes to reduce overhead and proof of compliance. 3. Understanding challenging differences between DO-178B and DO-178C. Understanding DO-178C compliance audits: timing and success factors. 4. DO-178C industry facts and compliance cost drivers. DO-330 tool qualification: options and challenges. 5. DO-178C testing and structural coverage analysis objectives explained. How to avoid hidden but costly DO-178C objectives (such as worst-case execution time). 6. Workshop: Most accepted DO-178C structural coverage analysis and un-covered code. DO-178C final compliance packaging (PHAC, problem reporting)We're offering a 20% early-bird discount for the Bristol event on all reservations before the 15th of October. Take advantage by registering today.
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