Rapita Systems is proud to announce the release of the RTBx 2220 datalogger, which collects trace data from embedded targets as they run software tests and offers a straightforward and cost-effective approach for collecting data for use with RVS.
The RTBx 2220 is the first model in the new 2xxx series, and can capture 32-bit trace data at up to 250 MHz, more than 4x the rate of the previous 1xxx series. It can be used with complex hardware that produces data at high speeds, and offers the following benefits:
- It can be easily connected to embedded targets via both TTL and LVDS using standard adapters and connectors
- Its web-based manager lets you easily set up and run jobs remotely from any machine on the network
- Tracing can be automated to run during continuous build environments
- Collected data is automatically timestamped, removing the need for external timestamping
- On-the-fly filtering reduces downstream post-processing overheads
The RTBx 2220 is available for purchase or rental today. For more information, see the RTBx product page, or to ask for a quotation, contact us.