York, UK, 23rd March 2011
This year’s Ada-Europe will see Ian Broster, a founder and Director of Rapita Systems, deliver a tutorial on some of the challenges of developing reliable embedded systems.
The tutorial begins with a focus on non-functional properties that are particularly important to test "on-target".
Ian will then move on to explain and compare different techniques for measurement and analysis of software on embedded targets.
Understanding how those techniques can be used for verification of non-functional properties on-target, including in the context of DO178B/C and the new ISO26262 standard, should prove invaluable for embedded software developers and managers who need to engineer reliable, embedded software.
As in 2010, the tutorial will include hands-on work, with a competition and prize.
The tutorial takes place on Monday 20th June (afternoon session) starting at 2.30.
For more details http://conferences.ncl.ac.uk/adaconnection2011/tutorials/T4.html