PROXIMA will investigate how probabilistic analysis techniques and supporting mechanisms can be integrated with manycore processors, and how the results can be exploited by successful integration with commercial verification tools and operating systems. Following the PROARTIS approach, the PROXIMA hypothesis is that probabilistic analysis techniques can provide efficient (tractable) and effective (tight) analysis of the temporal behaviour of complex mixed-criticality applications on novel multicore and manycore platforms. The concept is based on using probabilistic analysis techniques to derive safe and tight bounds on the temporal behaviour of applications, reflecting requirements on failure rates commensurate with their criticality. PROXIMA’s innovative solutions will use high Technology Readiness Level hardware and software components and analysis methods. PROXIMA is an Integrated Project involving all 5 PROARTIS partners plus 1 University and 5 companies (3 final users and 2 tool providers). An Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) comprising leading EU companies will also be involved: Kalray and ARM as hardware designers; AdaCore, IBM and ETAS as compiler and Software experts; and Continental, Audi, BMW, CAF, DENSO, the European Space Agency, and Eurocopter as end users. Rapita Systems will provide timing analysis expertise and resources. Keep an eye on the Rapita site for more PROXIMA developments.