September was a big month for spreading Rapita's multicore message, featuring three events and a publication.
Dr Guillem Bernat, CEO and co-founder of Rapita, delivered a bespoke multicore training course to US Department of Defense employees at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama at the start of the month. This practical training focused on verifying multicore systems using a requirements-driven, V-model approach developed for DO-178C aerospace projects.
Continuing with the military theme, Rapita also published an article in the popular industry magazine 'Military Embedded' titled 'Multicore processors in the mission-critical context'. The article looks into the adoption of multicore processors in the mission-critical domain, the latest thinking on how to certify them and an overview of our approach.
On the 24th September Dr Bernat also gave a presentation titled 'Verifying multicore timing behavior for DO-178C' at SAE AEROTECH in Bordeaux.
This week also saw Rapita's Head of Engineering and co-founder, Dr Antoine Colin, deliver a multicore workshop at IRT Saint Exupéry in Toulouse on 25th September. Antoine delivered material on DO-178C and CAST-32A to Certification Systems attendees including seconded staff from Thales, Continental and more.