AMASS (Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems) is a H2020-ECSEL project that will create and consolidate the de-facto European-wide open tool platform, ecosystem, and self-sustainable community for assurance and certification of cyber-physical systems (CPS) in the largest industrial vertical markets. The project started on April 1st and the kick-off meeting took place in Bilbao on April 6th and 7th. The meeting was hosted by TECNALIA Research & Innovation, specifically by the ICT-European Software Institute Division. Around 50 researchers and practitioners representing the 29 AMASS partners from eight countries attended the meeting and participated in the discussions about the technical challenges of the project, how to address them, and the ways to maximise its impact.
The AMASS consortium includes the main stakeholders for CPS assurance and certification: OEMs, system integrators, component suppliers, system assessors, certification authorities, tool vendors, research institutes, and universities. The main application domains on which AMASS will work are aerospace, automotive, industrial automation, space, and railway. The AMASS project coordinator is TECNALIA Research & Innovation and the named Project Manager is Dr. Huascar Espinoza from the ICT-European Software Institute Division. Dr. Barbara Gallina, from the Division of Embedded Systems at Mälardalen University, is the Project Technical Manager.
The ultimate goal of AMASS is to lower certification costs for CPS in face of rapidly changing features and market needs. This will be achieved by establishing a novel holistic and reuse-oriented approach for architecture-driven assurance (fully compatible with standards such as AUTOSAR and IMA), multi-concern assurance (for co-analysis and co-assurance of e.g. security and safety aspects), and for seamless interoperability between assurance and engineering activities along with third-party activities (e.g. external assessments and supplier assurance). Society will benefit from the use of CPS with a higher confidence in their dependability, for a wide range of applications in transport, manufacturing, healthcare, energy, defence, and communications.
AMASS work will build on the results from previous successful EU projects such as OPENCOSS (, SafeCer (, CRYSTAL (, CHESS (, and SESAMO ( The Eclipse Foundation, via the PolarSys initiative (, will play a major role towards the creation of the AMASS community.
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