Founded in 1994, AdaCore supplies software development and verification tools for mission-critical, safety-critical, and security-critical systems. Four flagship products highlight the company’s offerings:
- The GNAT Pro development environment for Ada, a complete toolset for designing, implementing, and managing native and embedded applications that demand high reliability and maintainability,
- The CodePeer advanced static analysis tool, an automatic Ada code reviewer and validator that can detect and eliminate errors both during development and retrospectively on existing software,
- The SPARK Pro verification environment, a toolset based on formal methods and oriented towards high-assurance systems, and
- The QGen model-based development tool, a qualifiable and customizable code generator and verifier for Simulink® and Stateflow® models, intended for safety-critical control systems.
Over the years, customers have used AdaCore products to field and maintain a wide range of critical applications, many with hard real-time requirements, in domains such as space systems, commercial avionics, military systems, air traffic management/control, rail systems, medical devices, and financial services. AdaCore has an extensive and growing world-wide customer base.
AdaCore products are open source and come with expert on-line support provided by the developers themselves. The company has North American headquarters in New York and European headquarters in Paris.
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