PROXIMA is an Integrated Project (IP) of the Seventh framework programme for research and technological development (FP7). The PROXIMA project provides industry ready software timing analysis using probabilistic analysis for many-core and multi-core critical real-time embedded systems and will enable cost-effective verification of software timing analysis including worst case execution time.
The project builds on the results of the PROARTIS project and the numerous partner technologies (including RapiTime, software simulation, TiCos, extreme value statistics and statistical analysis), PROXIMA provides software timing analysis and worst case execution time using probabilistic timing analysis (PTA).
The principle of PTA is that (if specific conditions are met) we can treat the system as a statistical system that has timing behaviour that forms a statistical distribution. This is called an execution time profile (ETP). Rapita Systems is developing tool support for ETPs within RapiTime.
For more information, visit the PROXIMA website.