VeTeSS will develop standardized tools and methods for verification of the robustness of safety-relevant systems, particularly against transient common-cause faults.
The project is co-funded by the EU through the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking, a pan-European research programme to strengthen Europe's position in embedded intelligence and systems.
The focus of VeTeSS is the strategically important automotive market. Since the safety of conventional and new electric/hybrid vehicles needs to be proven to allow wider adoption, which will in turn be an important contribution to carbon emissions reduction, new tools and methods which provide standardized data from verification and help meet ISO 26262 requirements are in demand.
The project is expected to improve the competitiveness of the European embedded hardware and software industry, raise the safety, quality and reliability of products, and enable innovative technologies to increase road user safety. Rapita Systems will develop new code coverage measurement tools to test the systems created by other partner organisations as the project continues. For more details visit the VeTeSS website.