I am an MSc student in Software Engineering at the University of York. Recently I had the chance to do my final year project with Rapita and I thought this would be a good way to tell people about it.
The project looked at how to diagnose the connection between RTBx and a target hardware device. I investigated ways to check that the connection is working properly and to detect simple faults like getting two wires the wrong way round, bad connections and so on.
In the end, the program that I wrote automatically diagnoses the RTBx to the target connection and provides some evidence and assurance about the state of the connection. It worked well in testing and we were able to evaluate it on a MPC-based target board connected to an RTBx.
I know that there is some work to do before my project makes it to product release, but I was pleased that my project is going to be developed further and put to good use. I hope that the project will be useful for all RTBx users!