Webinar series: Efficient DO-178C verification
From the people who brought you "Efficient verification through the DO-178C life cycle".
To supplement the tremendous popularity of our 70-page DO-178C handbook, Rapita prepared the DO-178C verification webinar series focusing on Requirements-based functional testing, Code coverage analysis and Software timing analysis including WCET.
Led by V & V experts, these webinars are a unique opportunity to gain in-depth technical understanding of the three key areas of DO-178C verification.
Access the full webinar series
Part 1: Functional testing

Requirements-based functional testing is a key aspect of complying with DO-178C guidance. Extending the information we provided in our hugely-popular DO-178C Handbook, you will learn from V & V experts how to manage your functional testing workflow from writing requirements through to producing test evidence from qualified automation tools.
In this one-hour technical webinar, we cover:
- Planning for and producing evidence of functional testing in SOIs 1, 3 & 4
- Authoring and managing test suites and test cases
- Introduction to requirements management from JAMA experts:
- How to write effective requirements
- How to manage your requirements/test tool workflow
- Tracing requirements throughout your DO-178C project
- Testing efficiently on-host and on-target
- Running functional tests efficiently through a Continuous Integration workflow
- Selecting a functional testing tool that meets the needs of DO-178C
- Qualifying your functional testing tool
Part 2: Code coverage

Code coverage analysis is a key verification activity in DO-178C software development projects. Building on the DO-178C Handbook, this webinar, delivered by DO-178C verification experts, will explore a range of code coverage topics and best practices that you can put into practice in your project.
In this one-hour technical webinar, we explore:
- Planning for and producing evidence of code coverage analysis in SOIs 1, 3 & 4
- Meeting code coverage requirements up to and including MC/DC
- Overcoming the most common roadblocks to achieving 100% Structural Coverage
- Choosing between source and object code coverage
- Selecting a code coverage analysis tool that meets the needs of DO-178C
- Qualifying your code coverage analysis tool
- How H55 collects code coverage for the software that powers their cutting-edge electric propulsion system - featuring Anthony D'Ambrisi from H55
Part 3: WCET analysis

In the third and final instalment of our DO-178C webinar series we explore software Worst-case execution time (WCET); an important verification activity for DO-178C projects.
In this one-hour technical webinar, we cover:
- Planning for and producing evidence of WCET analysis in SOIs 1, 3 & 4
- What WCET timing analysis is and why it matters
- Calculating WCET
- WCET analysis approaches
- Selecting a WCET analysis tool that meets the needs of DO-178C
- Qualifying your WCET analysis tool

Matthew Hudghton
Field Application Engineer Team Lead, Rapita Systems

Dr. Matthew Grum
Head of Field Application Engineering, Rapita Systems

Anthony D'Ambrisi
Team Leader ITEM engineering (HW+SW), H55

Cary Bryczek
Solutions Lead Director, Jama Software

Dr. Stephen Law
Senior Principal Software Engineer, Rolls-Royce