York, UK, 22nd February 2011
Rapita Systems is delighted to announce a triple presence at this year’s Ada Connection in Edinburgh. Along with exhibiting, the company will also deliver a tutorial on the challenges of developing reliable embedded systems and present on Rapita’s experience of using Ada.
The tutorial, to be delivered by Ian Broster, a founder and Director of Rapita Systems, will explore the challenges of developing reliable embedded systems.
Ian will begin the tutorial by focusing on non-functional properties that are particularly important to test "on-target", before moving on to explain and compare different techniques for measurement and analysis of software on embedded targets.
He will demonstrate how those techniques can be used for verification of non-functional properties on-target, including in the context of DO178B/C and the new ISO26262 standard to meet the requirements for safety.
And just as last year, there will be an opportunity for hands-on work, with a competition and prize.
In “Building software tools in Ada: the Rapita experience” Dr Andrew Coombes will discuss Rapita’s experience of using Ada for the development of desktop tools, explain why Ada was selected as the basis of our core products, and reveal the architecture of our toolsets and the impact Ada has upon it.
The presentation will conclude with reflections on whether Ada has been a good choice for us, and whether we would make the same decisions, knowing what we know now.