RapiTest supports your traceability workflow by interfacing with your requirements management and traceability software, allowing you to reuse information about requirements and test artifacts that you have already defined.
RapiTest’s part in the traceability workflow is simple, involving import, assignment, reporting and export.
You can import information about requirements and test artifacts in formats including Word, Excel, and the Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF), which is compatible with many requirements traceability tools. If you’re using Jama Connect®, you can configure RVS to automatically pull in information on requirements or test artifacts from the software.
With this information in your project, you can tag your tests with the requirements they test and/or assign the test artifact IDs you use to identify each test uniquely.
After running your tests, RapiTest displays your requirements coverage and the status of each test tagged with each requirement, and lets you export your results in RapiTest exports. If you're using Jenkins or Bamboo, you can view your requirements coverage in each build and follow the trend in requirements coverage throughout your project.
If you’re using Jama Connect®, you can automatically export key information such as test pass/fail status back into the software, so you can continue to monitor your project’s traceability from Jama Connect.