We offer courses that help attendees learn how to use the Rapita Verification Suite (RVS) efficiently to verify critical software in a variety of ways, including:
- Performing requirements-based testing. Using RapiTest to write requirements-based tests, run them to collect verification results, review and export test results, and support requirements traceability.
- Analyzing the structural coverage achieved by software tests. Using RapiCover to automatically instrument code to collect coverage results while tests are run and to review and analyze coverage results.
- Analyzing software worst-case execution time and optimizing code to reduce worst-case timing behavior. Using RapiTime to instrument code to collect timing results while tests are run, refining RapiTime analysis to reduce pessimism in worst-case execution time calculation, using RapiTime to review and analyze execution time results, and using RapiTime to identify optimization candidates for worst-case execution time behavior.
- Understanding system event scheduling behavior. Using RapiTask to collect task-level timing behavior while software tests are run, analyze scheduling behavior and identify rare events such as race conditions in critical software.
- Using RVS with continuous integration systems to follow software and verification development throughout the life cycle of a project.
- Verifying software for coverage and timing behavior and understanding system scheduling behavior without needing instrumentation or access to source code (in compatible environments). Using RapiCoverZero, RapiTimeZero and RapiTaskZero and which environments are compatible with zero-footprint RVS verification.
- Integrating RVS into development environments, including build system integration and target integration for data capture.
Where necessary, we also include training on fundamental concepts of verification, such as requirements-based testing, structural coverage analysis and worst-case execution time analysis.
We customize our RVS tool training courses to meet your specific needs.