RapiTest can help you meet DO-178C objectives 6.4.a, 6.4.b, 6.4.c and 6.4.d, which indicate that requirements-based testing is performed on the DO-178C software against both high and low-level requirements.
RapiTest helps you do the analysis needed to meet DO-178C objective 6.4.5.c. When a check fails, RapiTest provides the expected and actual results, making it easy to identify discrepancies, as required to meet the objective.
As RapiTest is designed for on-target execution and supports integration with a wide variety of third-party requirements management software applications, it also helps you achieve DO-178C objectives 6.4.e, 6.4.4.a and 6.4.4.b.
RapiTest is a key part of the MACH178 solution to provide verification results for multicore timing analysis. When used in this context, it can help you achieve AC 20-193 and AMC 20-193 objectives MCP_Resource_Usage_4 and MCP_Software_1.
For a detailed description of how RVS tools including RapiTest can help you achieve DO-178C certification, see our web page on how to achieve DO-178C certification.