It's easy to configure the analysis applied by RVS through the RVS Project Manager. This lets you set:
- The files and functions analyzed by RVS
- The depth of information produced by the analysis
When working on resource-constrained targets, this ensures that you can get your build to fit on your target hardware.
You can select from a range of inbuilt profiles to determine how your code is analyzed as a whole. To help you refine the analysis applied to specific sections of your source code, theRVS Project Manager displays the structure of your code graphically, making it easy to configure your analysis in context. As we store source code references in terms of the structure of your code, it's easy to reuse your settings after your code changes.
You can also configure any advanced settings needed to analyze your code from the graphical display, for example specifying the destination of function pointers in your code.
Feature applies to: