While the adoption of multicore processors for use in avionics software products is almost inevitable, many avionics systems developers are choosing not to harness the additional processing potential of multicore processors by deactivating all but one processor core.
The benefit of this is that this alleviates the need to meet additional airworthiness objectives for multicore software such as those provided in AC 20-193, AMC 20-193, and AA-22-01, and thus eliminates the need to add significant verification overheads to a project. Even when cores are deactivated in this way, evidence must be provided that the cores have been deactivated and will remain so during operation. We provide consultancy to help you provide this evidence, which may include identification and verification of critical configuration settings involved in processor deactivation, and verification of any mechanisms that have been put in place to prevent inadvertent re-activation of deactivated cores.
To see how we can help you, contact us.
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