Streamlined software verification with RVS 3.13
Requirements traceability
We've improved our support for keeping track of your project's requirements and how your testing of them is progressing.
You can now import requirements in various formats including the common Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF), supporting integration with tools such as DOORS® and Polarion® ALM™. After linking your tests to requirements, you can view your results against requirements. You can keep track of your requirements coverage by exporting your traceability results in RapiTest exports.
Scripting format for writing tests
RVS 3.13 makes it much easier to write tests in the RapiTest scripting language (RTS), which supports efficient testing and lets you write complex tests that include features like loops, advanced stubbing behavior, local variables, code injections and multithreading easily. If you keep your scripts in your version control system, you can easily review changes to them over time through diff functionality.
You can now write tests in RTS from our inbuilt editor, which includes syntax highlighting and error detection. With new tutorials and comprehensive documentation including a complete grammar reference, it's easy to get started writing tests in the format today.
Bamboo support
RVS 3.13 introduces a streamlined integration with the Bamboo continuous integration and deployment software.
By configuring Bamboo to upload your RVS results including functional test, coverage and execution time results, you can easily keep track of your project progress over time and identify any issues early.
- Is RVS 3.13 backwards-compatible with previous versions?
Yes. RVS 3.13 is backwards compatible with previous versions. If you're upgrading from RVS 3.6 or earlier, however, we recommend that you set up a new integration to benefit from the improved project management features introduced in RVS 3.8.
- I'm running a wavefront version – can I upgrade to RVS 3.13?
If you're running a wavefront version, please contact us to determine whether you can upgrade.