All blogs Concept (field_concept) - Any -AdaMulticoreWCETTiming analysisTestingSchedulingRTOSQualificationOptimizationMC/DCC/C++ISO 26262Interference generatorsInstrumentationFACEEmbeddedDO-178B/CCode coverageA(M)C 20-193Zero footprint Related products (field_related_products) - Any -MACH178 FoundationsRapiCouplingMACH178 BlueprintRVSRapiTestRapiCoverRapiTimeRapiTaskRapiCoverZeroRapiTimeZeroRapiTaskZeroRTBxMACH178RapiDaemonsRapiComplyMx-Suite General tags (field_general_tags) - Any -AerospaceAutomotiveDCCCEventLicensingRapitaRapiTetrisResearch projectSpace Seven misconceptions of MC/DC #3: Getting 100% MC/DC means you've tested 100% of your requirements If you’ve managed to get to 100% MC/DC, does that mean you’ve tested 100% of your requirements? 2013-03-13 Seven misconceptions of MC/DC #2: Getting 100% MC/DC means your compiler compiled your code correctly So, assuming that you've run all of your tests and you've achieved 100% MC/DC. Does that mean that the compiler has… 2013-02-25 What's new in RVS 3.1? It's been over a year since the release of RVS 3.0 and the introduction of RapiCover, our tool for on-target code… 2013-02-20 Hardware acceleration features that make real-time hard - multicore Welcome back to the series of blog posts on how the presence of advanced hardware features in modern processors makes… 2013-02-18 Seven misconceptions of MC/DC #1: Getting 100% MC/DC means you've got correct code Misconception #1 Getting 100% MC/DC means you've got correct code Congratulations! You’ve achieved 100% Modified… 2013-02-12 Seven misconceptions of MC/DC If you’ve been following this blog, you’ll have seen a number of posts related to MC/DC (Modified Condition/Decision… 2013-02-05 Previewing the Avionics Europe presentation on timing test effectiveness by Rapita Systems Confidence in software tools rests on the effectiveness of tool verification – essentially, asking the right questions… 2013-01-30 Tools to help real-time embedded programmers learn their trade Over at The Engineer the debate about "should everyone be a programmer?" rages on. Here are Zoe Stephenson's thoughts. 2013-01-24 Using I/O ports on the STM32 F4 Discovery The STM32 F4 Discovery board is currently our board of choice for demonstrations and training at Rapita Systems. Here I… 2013-01-15 Hardware acceleration features that make real-time hard - instruction caches Continuing our series on how the presence of advanced hardware features in modern processors makes it more difficult to… 2013-01-07 "Ada: There's life in the old girl yet" We're big fans of Ada, so the news about the approval of the Ada 2012 Standard caught our eye. 2012-12-18 Using MC/DC to (un)cover a (Daily) WTF In a recent "Daily WTF" I saw an example of “over-defensive programming” (… 2012-12-10 Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Current page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 … Next page Next › Last page Last » RapiTimes Subscribe to the RapiTimes newsletter to receive updates about our blog posts, webinars, product releases, white papers and industry news. Subscribe Popular tags Code coverage Timing analysis Multicore FACE Testing WCET Qualification MC/DC A(M)C 20-193 Rapita RTBx Scheduling RVS Ada MACH178 DO-178B/C C RapiCover RapiTest RapiTask RapiTime RapiTetris Embedded ISO26262 Optimization Research project All Blogs