All blogs Concept (field_concept) - Any -AdaMulticoreWCETTiming analysisTestingSchedulingRTOSQualificationOptimizationMC/DCC/C++ISO 26262Interference generatorsInstrumentationFACEEmbeddedDO-178B/CCode coverageA(M)C 20-193Zero footprint Related products (field_related_products) - Any -MACH178 FoundationsRapiCouplingMACH178 BlueprintRVSRapiTestRapiCoverRapiTimeRapiTaskRapiCoverZeroRapiTimeZeroRapiTaskZeroRTBxMACH178RapiDaemonsRapiComplyMx-Suite General tags (field_general_tags) - Any -AerospaceAutomotiveDCCCEventLicensingRapitaRapiTetrisResearch projectSpace News from the Certification Together International Conference in Toulouse I've recently come back to the office from a whirlwind European tour that included a few days at the Certification… 2011-12-13 4 key benefits of structural coverage for DO-178B systems Sometimes the value of performing structural coverage (AKA code coverage) is questioned. When it’s performed as an end… 2011-11-10 DO-178C: The Next Avionics Safety Standard tutorial at the SIGAda conference Andrew Coombes and Zoe Stephenson of Rapita Systems are in Denver to exhibit at and attend the ACM SIGAda Annual… 2011-11-10 Eliminating timing variability: DRAM refresh times If you're interested in getting accurate timing measurements of your software, you need to eliminate sources of… 2011-09-08 What’s the point of code coverage? Testing has to satisfy two objectives: it has to be effective, and it has to be cost-effective. Testing is effective if… 2011-08-25 Minimize instrumentation overheads A key challenge with on-target verification is the influence that the act of measurement itself can have on the resul 2011-08-04 Go beyond simple profiling If you've measured execution time, eliminating the context switches and the variability they cause (see our last blog… 2011-07-28 Software Optimization Techniques #17: Repositioning Code and State Machines The penultimate blog post on optimizing embedded software with the aim of improving (i.e. reducing) worst-case… 2011-06-02 Software Optimization Techniques #18: Summary of Techniques The final blog post in our series on optimizing embedded software with the aim of improving (i.e. reducing) worst-case… 2011-06-02 Software Optimization Techniques #11: Strength Reductions Continuing our series of blog posts on optimizing embedded software with the aim of improving (i.e. reducing) worst-… 2011-05-25 Software Optimization Techniques #13: Single Path Code (II) Our series of blog posts on optimizing embedded software with the aim of improving (i.e. reducing) worst-case execution… 2011-05-25 Software Optimization Techniques #10: Static Loop Iteration Count Our series of blog posts on optimizing embedded software with the aim of improving (i.e. reducing) worst-case execution… 2011-05-25 Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Current page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Next page Next › Last page Last » RapiTimes Subscribe to the RapiTimes newsletter to receive updates about our blog posts, webinars, product releases, white papers and industry news. Subscribe Popular tags Code coverage Timing analysis Multicore FACE Testing WCET Qualification MC/DC A(M)C 20-193 Rapita RTBx Scheduling RVS Ada MACH178 DO-178B/C C RapiCover RapiTest RapiTask RapiTime RapiTetris Embedded ISO26262 Optimization Research project All Blogs