All blogs Concept (field_concept) - Any -AdaMulticoreWCETTiming analysisTestingSchedulingRTOSQualificationOptimizationMC/DCC/C++ISO 26262Interference generatorsInstrumentationFACEEmbeddedDO-178B/CCode coverageA(M)C 20-193Zero footprint Related products (field_related_products) - Any -MACH178 FoundationsRapiCouplingMACH178 BlueprintRVSRapiTestRapiCoverRapiTimeRapiTaskRapiCoverZeroRapiTimeZeroRapiTaskZeroRTBxMACH178RapiDaemonsRapiComplyMx-Suite General tags (field_general_tags) - Any -AerospaceAutomotiveDCCCEventLicensingRapitaRapiTetrisResearch projectSpace How to set up safe, portable interprocess communication without interrupt locks The approach described here allows non-blocking interprocess communication to take place on a single CPU, via a FIFO,… 2010-09-30 Explaining the difference between Execution Times and Response Times Execution time and response time are two concepts which are sometimes mistakenly conflated. In this post, I will make… 2010-09-16 Analysing the timing of multi-cores For the last 3 years, Rapita has been a participant in the MERASA (Multi-Core Execution of Hard Real-Time Applications… 2010-09-10 Identifying Optimization Candidates In an earlier post (A five-step process for optimization) we suggested that identifying optimization candidates is an… 2010-09-03 Explaining the concept of "execution time" The execution time of a piece of code (say an RTOS task) is the amount of time that the processor spends executing that… 2010-08-19 Installing Targetlink 2.6, GCC 2.95.2 and Axiom MPC555 We've had this web page up on the Rapita Systems website for some time now. As it seems to be of interest to quite a… 2010-08-12 Achieving real-time performance improvements within the SPARK framework RapiTime is the only commercial tool on the market suitable for optimising reactive, real-time software, where average… 2010-08-05 An introduction to Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) is a method of ensuring adequate testing for safety-critical software. At… 2010-07-22 Real-Time Task set Generation and the WATERS workshop I recently presented a paper at the WATERS 2010 workshop held during the Euromicro Technical Committee on Real-Time… 2010-07-14 Inserting binary values into C This is an old C programmers trick for binary literals in C and is taken from a posting by Tom Torfs (http://groups.… 2010-07-09 Code coverage for applications running on Windows I was recently asked by a customer if they could use RapiTime to analyse a program compiled for Windows using GCC and… 2010-06-24 Demonstrating how to “Rewind” backwards and forwards through recorded traces with RapiTime 2.3 Rapita’s Dr Paul Emberson recently travelled to Cambridge to demo one of the new features from the latest version of… 2010-06-17 Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Current page 17 Page 18 Next page Next › Last page Last » RapiTimes Subscribe to the RapiTimes newsletter to receive updates about our blog posts, webinars, product releases, white papers and industry news. Subscribe Popular tags Code coverage Timing analysis Multicore FACE Testing WCET Qualification MC/DC A(M)C 20-193 Rapita RTBx Scheduling RVS Ada MACH178 DO-178B/C C RapiCover RapiTest RapiTask RapiTime RapiTetris Embedded ISO26262 Optimization Research project All Blogs